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The Global Pandemic Cope/Panic Thread

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  • gaypalmsprings
    The nation is going backwards with Covid. I hope everyone at Coachella is vaccinated - it sure would be nice if they required it.

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  • wxdude
    Well, I sure hope this isn't a harbinger of things to come with U.S. and European music festivals scheduled this summer and fall: So far 1050 people out of 20,000 who attended a Dutch outdoor electronic music festival, Verknipt, held at a park in Utrecht July 3-4, have tested positive for COVID-19 in recent days. No social distancing or mask wearing measures were enforced. Entry to the festival was granted if an attendee presented a QR code showed they were vaccinated, had recovered from a recent infection, or tested negative for the virus. Some of the criteria are now being questioned, such as permitting individuals to submit tests taken up to 40-h before arrival instead of a shorter one-day time period and allowing in people who had just been vaccinated as opposed to those who had built up immunity for at least a couple of weeks following injection.

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  • Papichujoe
    I'm just glad my local venue is an Amphitheatre

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  • wxdude
    Would you consider it safe now to see a show in a closed indoor venue based on what we know about how COVID-19 is transmitted and the current vaccination trends? This issue is discussed in this CNN article:

    But the latest data from the Axios-Ipsos Coronavirus tracking index found that 37% of adults consider attending a concert indoors to be a large risk, 48% calling it a small to moderate risk, and 14% said it was no risk at all.
    Despite being fully vaccinated for several weeks now, I would be extremely hesitant unless proper ventilation, social distancing, and vaccination proof or testing measures were in place. I'm waiting until at least September or even October before even considering going again to an indoor show when hopefully most of the population is fully vaccinated.

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  • Papichujoe
    I'm finding it odd that a lot of acts that are announcing tours are leaving the weekend dates in the middle October empty along with similar weekend dates in the middle April of 2022

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  • wxdude
    Well, this Yahoo/YouGov poll leaves me a bit more pessimistic if the U.S. will ever totally get out of this mess:

    And there were a whole bunch of well-heeled people within close proximity of others at the Kentucky Derby this past weekend who were not wearing masks despite the CDC guidance for large gatherings. There were about 51,000, which is the largest crowd at one U.S. venue in over a year. I'm sure that there was a certain segment of attendees who were not in the "fully vaccinated" category. SMH

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  • wxdude
    commented on 's reply
    LOL! There's definitely a PTSD element.

  • Papichujoe
    Man..... seeing supre and bumbles gave me Vietnam like flashbacks

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  • wxdude
    The CDC updated its guidance yesterday for folks who are considered fully vaccinated, which is defined as two weeks after receiving the second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or two weeks after getting the single dose of the J&J vaccine: One of the bullet states, "You can gather or conduct activities outdoors without wearing a mask except in certain crowded settings and venues." That exception would probably entail many music festivals.

    Meanwhile, it turns out that bumblebee from the defunct Coachella board is quite the anti-vaxxer. He's become a nuisance among the Inforoo message board members on their festival forum. There is an awesome takedown of his bullshit in their coronavirus thread that is worth sharing. I'm providing the link to the whole page so that you can see the context. Then go down to jorgeandthekraken's post. LMFAO! (For those not familiar, quack is substituted for fuck in Inforoo-speak for those without internal account access.)

    Although our board is usually dormant these days, at least we thankfully don't have to put up with bumbles idiocy!
    Last edited by wxdude; April 28, 2021, 04:45 AM.

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  • wxdude
    Originally posted by Papichujoe View Post
    Anyone have any preference on vaccination? My antibodies have slowly been diminishing and imma be all out most likey next month so I gotta re up and get protected by 1 of the 3 big guys out there
    I'd just get anything that is available at this point. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are supposed to offer more protection, but you need two doses that are at least three weeks apart for the Pfizer and four weeks apart for the Moderna.

    Nothing though guarantees 100% immunity.
    Last edited by wxdude; April 27, 2021, 02:40 AM.

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  • Papichujoe
    Anyone have any preference on vaccination? My antibodies have slowly been diminishing and imma be all out most likey next month so I gotta re up and get protected by 1 of the 3 big guys out there

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  • wxdude
    Originally posted by wxdude View Post
    Hey all, I got my first dose of the Moderna vaccine via my employer three days ago. I did experience some pain and soreness in the arm where the shot was administered; but that has mostly abated now, and I had no other after-effects. Round 2 is in 3.5 weeks. I hear that one packs a much stronger punch.
    I had round 2 of Moderna a couple of Sundays ago so I'm now nearly fully vaccinated according to the CDC definition:

    Have You Been Fully Vaccinated?

    People are considered fully vaccinated:
    • 2 weeks after their second dose in a 2-dose series, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or
    • 2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine

    I did have a bit of an adverse reaction from the vaccine the next day with a slight fever, headache, chills, and joint pain. Fortunately, it mostly went away by the middle of the following day, but my upper arm still hurt pretty bad and appeared bruised at the needle injection point. That didn't heal up until about the end of last week.

    I'm glad that is least for now!

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  • Papichujoe
    According to my manager covid is over next month(mind you he's dealthy afraid of catching covid and oddly enough pushes vaccines but is also against himself from getting a vaccine, also when I got covid in January he didn't want me to come back to work for close to 2 months to "make sure")

    I don't know how/where he got his medical degree in a little over a year but it feels odd seeing April come back again and realize this is the second coachella that I'd be missing

    ​I can't wait till we're back to raw dogging eachothers air supply in the desert.

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  • gaypalmsprings
    I'm an old guy, so I am already fully vaccinated.

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  • wxdude
    Originally posted by scenicworld View Post
    I had the first dose of Pfizer about 10 days ago and get my second dose on the 28th. I had a really sore arm for a day and a mild headache for a couple days but no other effects.
    Good to hear! I hope the 2nd one goes smoothly for you,

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